Welcome aboard, thanks for joining me.

I don’t often take myself too seriously, but what I do take seriously is creating stuff and I try really hard to make something everyday. It doesn’t have to be a quilt, an artwork or anything spectacular.

Some days just making the decision to get out of bed is enough pressure to put on anyone, let alone myself.

Other days I’m invincible.

Creating things is something I’ve done my whole life. Quilting and textiles are a recent focus, but I have had a varied career experience making photographs, journalism and graphics; interiors; in department store retail and in the food and hospitality industry. All creative in their own different ways.

I don’t strive for the precision of traditional quilting in my work. 

I aim to create work that makes me think. A process that creates a problem that needs solving or highlights an issue important to me; or a piece that simply makes my heart sing.

My work helps me work through questions I have about life, what it means to be me, how people operate, or just to see how colours, shapes and materials work together.

Quilting and textiles are skilled and varied practices with deep roots and a long history as women’s work, something that I can’t take for granted, and a powerful legacy that I hope to be able to share in and contribute to with my work.      

I live in Maclean, New South Wales on Yaegl Country with my partner David.

Good food, wine, TV and a good podcast can distract me from most other things.  Especially the wine. 

Antony Perring

Updated 2023

Hello, I’m Ant.