all the
motivation you need
89 x 103 cm
Assorted fabrics, thread, bamboo cotton batting
Giving yourself a kick in the pants to get things going is a pretty tricky task to achieve.
This banner will be a constant reminder in its corner of the studio where I hope it will beam its intimidating message of GET ON WITH IT as I sit procrastinating.
I don’t really think of myself as particularly lazy, but I am apt to second-guess myself and sit in my uncertainty while opportunities have a habit of whizzing past me at a rate of knots.
NO LONGER as the orange block letters (Bebas Neue, since you were wondering) glare down at me. The background is a vintage floral bed sheet acquired from a local Op Shop. The edge of the banner is finished with a green on green striped piping edge.

All The Motivation You Need - in progress

All The Motivation You Need - detail

All The Motivation You Need - dining room

All The Motivation You Need

All The Motivation You Need - detail piping edge